Pan-Anarchism Against the State, Pan-Secessionism Against the Empire
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Ten years ago, I identified what I considered to be the “ten core demographics” that proponents of the ideas we discuss here at ATS will have to reach in order to eventually find the Holy Grail. T无线通信技术各领风骚 智能家居统一标准没有必要 ...:2021-12-14 · 无线通讯协议是智能家居领域的关键技术,是连接设备、实现信息传输的通道,是实现智能产品之间互联互通互控与协同的“桥梁”。不过,目前智能家居市场标准未定,多种无线协议并存,主要的通讯协议有WiFi、Zigbee、蓝牙、Z-wave、Thread .... It is interesting to evaluate the status of each of these ten demographics (which are really collections of sub-demographics) a decade later in light of the current uprising. Here is where things seem to stand. The parts in italics are from the original piece.
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This interview contains my general take on the great lumpenproletarian cultural revolution of 2023 from a Howard Cosell perspective.
Well folks, it’s official, Donald Trump has declared war on America. Probably should have saw that coming. After all, I’ve long argued that our dayglow duce isn’t an isolationist but merely the world’s shittiest imperialist. After trying and failing miserably to bring fascism to Nicaragua and Venezuela, Trump has set his sites on targets much more suited to his America First brand of colonialism. The one war our asshole in chief has managed to wage successfully after all has been the federal government’s war on undocumented brown children. He may have failed to give Israel Iran but he succeeded swimmingly at giving ICE Aztlan, setting up a veritable gulag archipelago of Chuckie Cheese concentration camps on the Rio Grande that would make Woodrow Wilson wet with envy. Now he’s sicking those same feds on America’s more belligerent third world neighborhoods, turning Seattle and Detroit into Managua and Caracas in a sad and evil attempt to fellate his flaccid poll numbers by publicly thrashing black people and their allies for demanding an end to police state apartheid.
The Intersection of Madness & Reality
She was shot in the head by Trump’s stormtroopers in Portland, Oregon, this past weekend. She was a member of the “Wall of Moms.”
By Kristen Jessie-Uyanik
I want to preface this difficult post by saying that Black Lives Matter and that should remain at the center of every conversation right now about police brutality and the Feds involvement in Portland, OR.
I have attended several non-violent protests around Portland in support of BLM since late May. Last Sunday and again on Tuesday, I joined the Wall of Moms as they stood together in defense and support of protesters on the front line.
Florida man arrested, charged with murder after fatally shooting Burger King worker over drive-thru delay, police say
byKeith Preston• American Decline, WTF!?
Florida Man is back! I hadn’t heard much about Florida Man for a while.
A Florida man was arrested and charged with first-degree murder on Sunday for fatally shooting a Burger King employee over a delay with a drive-thru food order, officials said.
Kelvis Rodriguez, 37, was charged with first-degree murder with a firearm, destruction of evidence and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
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by网友网络加速超速器• Police State/Civil Liberties
By Katie Mettler
Washington Post
It was a hot Thursday afternoon, so India Johnson, 26, and Yasmeen Winston, 25, decided to take their babies to splash in the fountains at the World War II Memorial. The women, best friends since seventh grade, parked on Constitution Avenue near the White House and prepared to walk to the Mall.
Their babies were in the back seat, Mother Goose Club was singing through the car speakers, and the mothers were digging around in diaper bags when they heard the crash and felt the jolt.
Johnson and Winston looked up. A Secret Service cruiser had driven into their front left bumper, Winston told The Washington Post. Within seconds, Winston recalled, a uniformed Secret Service officer was pointing a rifle at them, yelling “Get out!” and “Put your hands in the air!” More officers surrounded them with guns pulled, the women said.
And to think the RCP was once the US allies of the Shining Path. Contra the sub网络加速 I would argue that the fact that so many on the supposed “hard left” such as Bob Avakian, Angela Davis, and Bill Ayers have endorsed Biden out of Trump Derangement Syndrome most certainly does not indicate that Biden has somehow magically moved to the far left and become a revolutionary Marxist. What is means is that nearly all of the farce that passes for the “American Left” is a collection of weenies, chumps, losers, dumbasses, dumbfucks, and absolute fucking idiots. What it also means is that classical anarchists are absolutely correct when they refer to Marxists as merely the “left-wing of capital.” Seriously, Chairman Bob, is Sunsara’s pussy really that good?
By Stephan Dinan
Washington Times
For Bob Avakian, founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, this year’s election is actually an easy call: The need to stop President Trump is so overwhelming that he has no qualms about backing Democrat Joseph R. Biden.
The far left usually finds itself at election time grappling with tricky questions about lesser-of-two-evils, and fears of boosting what they see as a corrupt Democratic Party. But that’s not happening this year.
‘We’re not an enemy of the Black community’: Cubans rally to support NuLu business
byKeith Preston• Race and Ethnicity
Some Black Panther groups used to do this in the 60s and 70s. It’s nothing new.
By Sarah Ladd and David J. Kim
Louisville Courier Journal
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — More than 100 members of Louisville’s Cuban community gathered at La Bodeguita de Mima, 735 E. Market St., Sunday to rally in support of the immigrant-owned restaurant.
The rally came after a controversial letter from Black Lives Matter protesters laid out demands that aim to improve diversity in NuLu, which is known for its locally owned shops and restaurants.
Fernando Martinez, a partner of the Olé Restaurant Group, publicly denounced the letter’s demands on Facebook, calling them “mafia tactics” used to intimidate business owners. On Thursday, a small group of protesters gathered outside his restaurant, La Bodeguita de Mima, in protest.
For about 10 minutes on Sunday, Martinez gave a passionate speech to the crowd with his mother and relatives standing alongside him.
Sleepy Joe and Orange Man Kind of Miss the Point
bysub加速器官网下载地址• Uncategorized
Police bodycam footage shows moment-by-moment arrest of George Floyd
byKeith Preston• Police State/Civil Liberties
By Martin Gould
Daily Mail
The terror on George Floyd’s face as a rookie cop points a gun at his head while he sits in his car can be seen today for the first time
Krystal Ball weighs in on the finalists for Joe Biden’s Vice Presidential nominee and why it shouldn’t be Sen. Kamala Harris.
感受5G独特魅力 憧憬未来美好生活 --科技日报数字报:2021-11-21 · 展厅中,一个米粒大小的芯片颇为引人注目。“这是国内首颗5G NR Sub-6GHz n77滤波器芯片,仅1.6×0.8毫米,工作频率在3.3—4.2GHz之间,带宽高达900MHz,远超出传统声波滤波器技术的适用范围。”云塔电子联合创始人、首席运营官何军介绍说。
byKeith Preston• Economics/Class Relations
The solution is simple: “Dear government, ruling class, power elite, banksters, and others whom it may concern…We want a complete moratorium if not a jubilee on rents, mortgages, car payments, credit cards, student loans, utility bills, and medical bills. We want it now. Please deliver immediately. Or we’ll kill you.”
Why the US Military Usually Punishes Misconduct but Police Often Close Ranks
Many U.S. military members publicly disavowed President Trump’s decision to pardon Edward Gallagher, the former SEAL commando convicted of killing a teenage detainee in Iraq in 2017.
Gallagher’s alleged war crimes were nearly universally condemned up the chain of command, from enlisted men to Navy Secretary Richard Spencer. Indeed, it was Gallagher’s sub 网络加速器ios who reported the former commando’s actions.
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byKeith Preston• Uncategorized
On this day, 2 August 1944, around 4000 Roma people in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp resisted being taken to the gas chambers. The SS swarmed into the Roma camp, but prisoners had armed themselves with sticks and crowbars, and barricaded themselves indoors, fighting the Nazis with hands and nails. A non-Roma prisoner who survived described that everyone was fighting and that “women [were] the fiercest in their fight” as they were “younger and stronger” than the other detainees and were “protecting their children.”
Trump is a dickhead, but he’s too lazy and incompetent to be an actual strong man dictator. Trump is not a “man of action.” He is a man of talk who doesn’t know how to back it up. I don’t really see him being a Putin or Erdogan, much less a Saddam Hussein or Mussolini. Not even a Duterte. He’s more Silvio Berlusconi.
By Umair Haque
By now, you’ve probably heard that Donald Trump announced he wants to…delay the election. Cue a firestorm. So. How should you read this?
Is it just a stunt? A diversion, from the many, many ways Trump’s Presidency has failed — from 150,000 dead, to the 18th straight week of more than a million filing for unemployment? Or is it something darker? It’s all of that, and more. When an authoritarian — or an aspiring one — makes pronouncements like this, they don’t just serve one function. There’s no need for the binary logic of pundits.
Trump’s call to postpone an election is indeed a stunt and a misdirection — but it’s also just what it appears to be: an authoritarian delegitimizing democracy.
How dangerous is that? It’s very, very, very dangerous.
The Day a Native American Tribe Drove the KKK Out of Town
byKeith Preston• History and Historiography
By Ilena Peng
Two crosses burned in Robeson County, North Carolina, on January 13, 1958. One was outside the home of a Native American woman who was dating a white man, the other outside the home of a Native family who had moved into one of Lumberton’s all-white neighborhoods. The blazing signs were clearly the work of Klansmen — not that the Ku Klux Klan’s presence in the county had ever been subtle. Caravans of Klansmen had been driving around the segregated county (where the local population included blacks, whites and Native Americans) every Saturday night, terrorizing the Lumbee Indians.
“They wanted you to see them. They wanted you to be afraid of them,” Lillie McKoy, who grew up watching the KKK drive by and later became the mayor of Maxton, a small town in Robeson County, told The Fayetteville Observer in 2008.
The county had been split in three since the 1880s, after the Lumbees resisted North Carolina’s post–Civil War efforts to segregate its citizens into two racial categories. The county had three sets of buses, three separate water fountains and three school systems.
Kick the Puppy episode 26! Gangs, guns, stealing from facebook and more! 1 year ago · The report states that “During the review period, a third round of quantitative easing (QE3) took place, in September 2021, in the context of high, although dropping, unemployment.In December 2021, the Fed announced that it would start scaling down its
Free Enterprise: The Antidote to Corporate Plutocracy